Monday, February 22, 2010


Just wanted to stop in and tell everyone hello! Hope you all had a funfilled break with lots of beads and parades!!!! I now feel like i can finally relax now that it is all over with! I am actually caught up with all of my posts, if any of you have any suggestions that might help me better my posts please feel free to let me know! See you all in class!

Chapter 5 Reflection...

Question #3: Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of using web-based applications

One of the main advantages of using web-based applications is that now a days they are free. Before we used to have application-based where you had to pay for the applications separately. Now most information we want to retrieve it free. They also allow students/people to communicate with people far away by chatting, emailing, blogging, and photo sharing. It is a simpler way for people to keep in touch with long distance relationships (family, friends, special someone). Web-based applications give the students a bit more freedom to explore the Internet and all that it can offer.

There are several disadvantages in using web-based applications. As teachers we always have to monitor the content of the articles and materials that our students are retrieving or getting into. Pop-ups are everywhere on the Internet. Sometimes the things that can pop up are quite graphic and are not meant for children. When using the Internet we must always be cautious to monitor what our students are viewing!

Chapter 2 Reflection...

Question #2: Reflect on the importance of access to technology

In today's society we are much more technologically advanced than we were in the past five or even ten years. Every year companies come out with new little gadgets such as computers, cell phones, and cameras. I remember when I was in elementary school we only had one computer in each classroom. Those things were dinosaurs compared to the type computer we have today. Back then it was a hassle to send someone an email, and as a matter of fact I do not know if I even knew what an email was during that time. Today our cell phones are like mini computers, we can use them to send emails, receive portfolios for work, and download music. Technology has opened several doors for mankind and now acts as a portal of knowledge and vast information. There are now computers in almost every classroom around the country. Thanks to the Internet we have a world of knowledge at our fingertips. Teachers use the Internet to get lesson plan ideas and examples of assessments for different subjects. We also now have projectors, smart boards, and other advanced pieces of technology in our classrooms these days.

As much as i want to rant and rave about how great technology is, I want to say that i think that it has spoiled us. Thanks to text messaging our children do not know how to hold proper conversations face to face with other people. Their vocabulary is shortened so much, because in a text it is easier to be short and sweet. I will admit that I love to text, but I try to limit myself to not saying things like: "nuthin, aint, k, lol, lmao, jk, cuz"...etc. I feel like in a way we have more knowledge than future generations, but we are a bitter dumber than they were. We do not use big words, we now look for the smallest word that means the same thing. Also because of technology our society it much more lazier than it has ever been. Children stay indoors all day playing X-BOX and computer games, rather than playing outdoors and experience life!

Chapter 1 Reflection...

Question #3: Reflect on the connection between learning outcomes and assessment.

As teachers we use different types of assessments to see how much our students are learning and if our teaching methods are reaching the students. If the teacher's methods of teaching are boring, repetitive, or confusing students will have a harder time comprehending what exactly is being taught. Our assessments that we give our students should contain the same material that was covered in the lesson and should always be age appropriate for the grade level that is being taught. If our lessons are unorganized and unclear our students might not understand the questions that are given on tests or quizzes. Assessments are used to evaluate the comprehension of the information that is discussed during the lesson. learning outcomes reflect on assessment scores. The learning outcome is what the student takes away from each lesson. Are they understanding the lessons or not? Teachers have to give quizzes, tests, and class discussions to make sure that all students are paying attention and soaking in the knowledge that is being taught.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Well, there is not that mch to know about me. My name is Amanda Rouse, most of my friends and family know me as MayMay. I am an Elementary Education major with a minor in Child Development. I want to teach the little ones and eventually open up my own daycare. My background with technology is not too great. I have worked with comptuers and smart boards in school, but other than that I do not know much! I would love to learn more in this class as far as integrating technology in my future lessons.