Monday, February 22, 2010

Chapter 5 Reflection...

Question #3: Discuss the advantages/disadvantages of using web-based applications

One of the main advantages of using web-based applications is that now a days they are free. Before we used to have application-based where you had to pay for the applications separately. Now most information we want to retrieve it free. They also allow students/people to communicate with people far away by chatting, emailing, blogging, and photo sharing. It is a simpler way for people to keep in touch with long distance relationships (family, friends, special someone). Web-based applications give the students a bit more freedom to explore the Internet and all that it can offer.

There are several disadvantages in using web-based applications. As teachers we always have to monitor the content of the articles and materials that our students are retrieving or getting into. Pop-ups are everywhere on the Internet. Sometimes the things that can pop up are quite graphic and are not meant for children. When using the Internet we must always be cautious to monitor what our students are viewing!


  1. web based applications are amazing for students or anyone for that matter to communicate with one another. Families who would not have the access to connect with on another as easily now have the ability to do so via web based applications. You also make a very valid point regarding the monitoring of the internet for students because of the pop-ups. One word can essentially bring up very graphic pop-ups that are not age appropriate or school appropriate. So yes I agree that the internet definitely needs to be monitored in the classroom.

  2. One way to monitor a classroom is to provide an approved list of websites. This can limit what the students view to a certain extent. The teacher will have to be vigilant though, because websites can be changed in the blink of a click.
